
Accurate as of April 28th 2024

POS Systems comparison made easy

SoftwareAdvice POS Systems

Top6 Score

Tailors POS system search with personalized, insightful recommendations.

Engages in brief, focused consultations to identify precise POS needs.

Quickly delivers a list of POS systems suited to specific business requirements.

Provides access to 962 POS products across 24 categories, ensuring diverse options.

Utilizes experienced advisors for guidance, making the selection process efficient and effective.


Top6 Score

User-friendly interface for seamless transactions.

Robust inventory management tools for tracking stock levels.

Insightful analytics and reporting features for data-driven decisions.

Customizable options to suit specific business workflows.

24/7 customer support for assistance and troubleshooting.


Top6 Score

Various ways of payment are permitted

They are designed specifically for the hospitality business

Service is available live and in real-time at any pricing point

Convenient for usage in a variety of settings

Entry-level bundles at a low price


Top6 Score

Customer loyalty programs and targeted marketing

Electronic messages are sent out on autopilot

Convenient exchanges and returns

The administration of buy orders

Employee time clock, user roles, and sales data


Top6 Score

The user interface is simple, making it simple to teach employees

Numerous tools tailored to the needs of restaurants are included in the package

Many different kinds of payment gateways may be connected to the program

A simple drag-and-drop interface for organizing tables and chairs

Inbuilt time clock and scheduling tools to monitor workers' schedules