
Accurate as of April 28th 2024

CRM comparison made easy

Zoho CRM

Top6 Score

Provides a wealth of data and analytics that remove doubt from planning and management

Customizable features such as flexible field types and various list presentation modes

Easy connection of all your preferred tools

The base plan includes many standard CRM functionalities

Useful mobile applications for various purposes

SoftwareAdvice CRM

Top6 Score

Efficient software selection process with quick access to personalized recommendations.

Engages in brief, targeted consultations to define specific CRM needs.

Quickly delivers a curated list of CRM options, supporting prompt decision-making.

Access to a broad spectrum of CRM software suits various industry requirements.

Utilizes experienced advisors for effective, informed software guidance.


Top6 Score

One simple spot allows you to access the state of the whole sales force

Keep an eye on all the data to determine where your company stands

Sales pipelines with limitless customizability

Machine learning-based automated production of all possible subscription sales pitches

Consistent calls and emails, in addition to high-quality mobile applications

Oracle CRM

Top6 Score

Offers a wide range of CRM tools and features.

Scalable solutions suitable for businesses of all sizes.

Expertise in customization and industry-specific CRM solutions.

Accessible 24/7 customer support and assistance.

Trusted by businesses across various industries.


Top6 Score

Automation tools for efficient lead management.

User-friendly interface for hassle-free navigation.

Customizable templates for personalized communication.

Dedicated mobile app for on-the-go management.

Responsive customer support for prompt assistance.

Zendesk CRM

Top6 Score

Facilitates Instant Interaction

Superior ticketing management system

Provides service through email, phone, chat, social media, and the web

A centralized workplace with a personalized user interface

Database of information and support staff


Top6 Score

Starting price of $29.00 per month

Simplifies the accessibility of your sales data and client records

Plans that may be adapted to your needs

Professionals at your side, providing the attentive care you need and deserve

Your company is seen in every direction in a matter of minutes


Top6 Score

All-in-one platform for marketing, sales, and customer service.

User-friendly interface for seamless workflow.

Customizable features to fit various business needs.

Robust analytics and reporting capabilities.

Dedicated customer support for efficient assistance.


Top6 Score

CRM features integrated with appointment scheduling, invoicing, and more.

User-friendly platform for streamlined operations.

Mobile app for convenient management on the go.

Insights and analytics to track customer interactions.

Responsive customer support for prompt assistance. CRM

Top6 Score

Unrestricted boards for managing tasks, customers, and procedures

Saves time and effort during the development and implementation of automation

Available customer care services around the clock for all plans

Systems for reporting and statistical analysis

Help with Integration

Oyster HR

Top6 Score

A self-service portal for employees

Performance in payroll management may be gauged with less effort

Reduces the possibility of mistakes by eliminating manual data input

Handle payroll automatically in the currency of the nation of hire

Take charge of employee perks like insurance and vacation time


Top6 Score

Intuitive platform for efficient contact management.

Customizable tags and categories for organized data.

User-friendly interface with easy navigation.

Integration with other business apps for enhanced functionality.

Supportive customer support available for inquiries.


Top6 Score

Automated data entry for efficient contact management.

User-friendly interface for easy adoption.

Email tracking and analytics for improved engagement.

Integration with popular business tools for enhanced productivity.

Knowledgeable customer support for prompt assistance.


Top6 Score

Integrate chatbots powered by AI to have real-time conversations with site visitors

Use Web Forms to collect information from site visitors

Watch who visits your site and what they do once there

Valued by companies worldwide

Use dynamic forecasting to increase revenue predictability


Top6 Score

Sales automation and communication tools for efficiency.

User-friendly platform for managing leads and deals.

Customizable features for personalized workflows.

Reporting and analytics for data-driven decisions.

Dedicated customer support for efficient assistance.


Top6 Score

Comprehensive tools for sales, marketing, and reputation management.

User-friendly interface for efficient navigation.

Integration with CRM features for streamlined operations.

Insights and analytics to track customer interactions.

Responsive customer support for assistance.